Friday, December 28, 2012

The Master Cleanse

Many of you may have heard of the 'Master Cleanse or Lemonaide Diet'...It is based on the book, The Master Cleanser, by Stanley Burroughs.  This is one of the best cleansing fasts (and safest), that I have seen.  Its purpose is to eliminate toxins, cleanse the kidneys and digestive system, purify the glands and cells, eliminate waste in the joints and muscles, and build healthier blood and arteries. 

2 Tbsp. lemon juice (fresh only!  organic if possible...approx. 1/2 lemon)
2 Tbsp. genuine maple syrup (NOT flavored)
cayenne pepper to taste
10 oz. medium hot water (spring or purified)

You may mix this up in a larger quantity and sip on it all day long.  This is the only thing you eat...and you drink it anytime you are much as you like.  The lemons are wonderful for cleansing the liver and balancing the body's pH.  The maple syrup has the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function without being tired during the cleanse.  Feeling tired?  Then you are not drinking enough of the lemonaide.  These minerals also assist in balancing your pH and in keeping your blood sugar levels up.  The cayenne pepper works as a stimulant...sort of a 'kick in the pants' to get the body moving to cleanse and heal.

I usually suggest doing a fast for only 1-3 days.  If you wish to go longer, I recommend you read the entire book first as it answers many important questions. The book is only about 35 pages and costs $6.50.  It can be dangerous to do a long period of fasting, please check with your physician first.

Start ANEW with a cleansing the body of toxins, rest the digestive system, replenish minerals, and feel great!

Lisa Purdy is not a physician and all recommendations are not to be considered diagnosis or prescription.  Any information given is for educational purposes only.  You are personally responsible for your own health choices and all information is solely to assist in making those choices.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Healthy Liver? Healthy Body!

The liver is the largest organ in the body weighing 3-4 lbs.  It sits just under the diaphragm on the right side of the body, opposite the stomach on the left side.  Dr. Alexander Beddoe explains, "The liver increases in development and function until it reaches its climax, between the ages of 18-22 years (this is the reason children are not able to handle some drugs the way adults can).  During each day, the liver manufactures 4 to 5 million enzymes.  The health of your body is directly dependent on the health of your liver. "  The liver also has the incredible ability to regenerate itself.

The liver has two vital roles:  processing the food we eat into chemicals the body can use, and neutralizing poisons and wastes.  The liver is responsible for the primary amino acid structure of the body.  It also breaks down proteins or amino acid chains; any chain too long for the liver to break down is attacked by the immune system.  Think about auto-immune diseases, vaccinations, and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) here. The liver either uses fats or stores them...overeating causes liver fatigue.  The liver produces GTF, glucose tolerance factor, which acts with insulin for the regulation of blood sugar levels.

The liver is the chemical procession plant of your body.  It has a huge job...getting rid of wastes and any poisons to which we are exposed.  Ammonia, the waste product of protein is neutralized to urea, and removed by the urinary system.  Fat and blood waste products are removed via the gallbladder as bile, one liter produced each day.  Long-lasting drugs must bypass the liver or be resistant to its enzymes.  Alcohol will do permanent damage to the liver... the liver does not regenerate this kind of damage.  The liver regulates the thyroid hormones and breaks down unneeded hormones such as adrenaline, aldersterone, estrogen, and insulin.

Problems of the liver include:  cirrhosis - a degenerative inflammatory scarring of liver tissue, hepatitis - inflammation of the liver caused by virus, enlargement - shows an overworked liver, and toxicity of the body as a whole.  Cleansing the liver is the key!!!  Herbs for the liver include milk thistle, artichoke, dandelion, barberry, Oregon grape, burdock, yellow dock, schizandra, pau d 'arco, and lemon.  Using some of these herbs as a cleanse is a great way to improve your overall health...I recommend using a blend of cleansing herbs twice a year to maintain general good health.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Parasite Cleansing

The Herb Allure HART Reference Book states that "Parasitic - related diarrheal diseases are the 3rd major cause of sickness and death in the United states".  An informational brochure from Renew Life states that "two - thirds of Americans harbor parasites in their bodies".  Many people do not have symptoms because the immune system is effectively doing its job, but if the immune system is compromised the problem quickly shows itself. 

 What is a Parasite?
 A parasite is an organism that feeds on another organism...YOU!  It feeds on your blood, your cells, your food, and even your supplements; stealing the energy you need to live a full life.  There are several parasites, but three worth mentioning are as follows:
  • the protazoa - single celled organism seen only thru a microscope
  • the toxoplasma parasite - very serious infection for pregnant women
  • worms - in sizes from less than one centimeter to 12 meters in length 
Where Do Parasites Come From?
  • Raw meat or fish
  • Polluted water or soil
  • Poorly washed fruits and vegetables - beware of cat feces!
  • Insect bites - carriers of many sicknesses, more rampant overseas
  • Contact with pets - make sure to deworm them...homeopathic wormers are available
  • International travel - watch out for the above problems being more common 
What Symptoms Indicate the Possible Presence of Parasites?
  • unexplained muscle aches and pains
  • bouts of intermittent diarrhea or constipation
  • unexplained weight loss
  • unexplained fever
  • a distended belly
  • grinding your teeth during sleep
  • dark circles under your eyes                                            
  • insomnia
  • contact with pets
  • international travel
YIKES!  How Do I Get Rid of Parasites?
It is an excellent idea to do a parasite cleanse a couple times a year.  I like to use the box cleanses from either Nature' Sunshine:  Para-Cleanse or Renew Life:  ParaGone.  The box cleanses are nice because they have a great combination of herbs to kill the parasites and move them out of the body.  Any parasite cleanse you do should include some of these herbs:  artemesia, black walnut, cloves, oregano, pau d arco, paw paw, pumpkin, and wormwood.  There are formulas available for children also.  It is not recommended to do a parasite cleanse during pregnancy.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Candida Yeast Overgrowth

After the holiday season many people find an increase in yeast overgrowth.  This is largely due to the increase of sugar in the diet, and sugar feeds candida yeast.  Factors which contribute to yeast overgrowth are stress, infection, prolonged or severe illness, exposure to toxic metals, eating too much sugar, or taking antibiotics.  Candida albicans  is an organism we call yeast, mostly living in the intestines.  Normally, beneficial bacteria in the gut do a good job of keeping the yeast in control.  But if that bacteria is compromised by drugs such as oral contraceptives or antibiotics, then the yeast is allowed to grow to excess causing many unwanted symptoms.
If you answer yes to several of the following questions, you may be experiencing an overgrowth of candida yeast:

Do you experience chronic fatigue?
Do you experience muscle aches and pains?
Do you have food sensitivities or allergies?
Do you crave sugar, bread, or pasta?
Do you experience gas and bloating?
Do you have recurrent vaginal yeast overgrowth?
Have you experienced nail fungus, athlete's foot, or jock itch?
Do you suffer from brain fog?
Do you have a yellow-coated tongue?
Have you taken broad-spectrum antibiotics?
Are you on birth control pills?

Getting rid of candida overgrowth may take a combination of natural products and diet changes.  First, eliminate sugar and alcohol...also avoid carbohydrates which turn to sugar quickly in your system.  Supplement beneficial flora such as Lactobacillus acidophilus to naturally fight the yeast in the intestines.  Herbs to kill the yeast include:  barberry, black walnut, garlic, oregano, and pau d'arco.
Special blends of enzymes may also help to rid the body of yeast.  Once the yeast is under control and a good colony of beneficial bacteria is established, you should find symptoms diminishing, and also the elimination of those reoccurring yeast infections.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

FEVER - A Sign of Trouble

A fever is a signal from the body that there is a problem - something needs attention.  To react by giving a drug to reduce the fever without addressing the cause of the fever will drive the sickness deeper and create more chronic problems later.  The question you should be asking...What is the cause of the fever?  What is the body trying to accomplish...and how can I help it along?

One cause of a fever is that the body is trying to move bodybuilding materials from one area to another.  For example in a teething baby...the child is not really "sick", but the body runs a fever to help get the tooth thru.  If the child is given an organic, easy to absorb, calcium...the fever will drop quickly and the tooth will appear.  This may also be true after injury; wounds or broken bones.  The body needs extra building materials to repair, so it may create a fever to accomplish the movement of the nutrients needed.  We can help by supplying those nutrients.  While also watching for infection, which the fever helps to guard against.

Perhaps the main cause of fever is that the body has reached a toxic level and it is time to remove the toxic material.  Think of a city with a garbage pick-up strike.  The garbage builds up and begins to we spray it with perfumes (deodorants).  Then the rats come, we panic and kill them with spray...think antibiotics!  But has the garbage pile been diminished?  No...the garbage is still there and will continue to be a problem until it is removed.  One way to remove the trash is to burn it.  This is also the way the body reacts to an overload of creates a fever to burn it up.  Our job is not to turn off the fever with a drug, but rather encourage the removal of the toxic waste that has been accumulated in the body. The first thing to do is to make sure the bowels are moving...a constipated body is a toxic body.

A third cause of a fever is bacterial infection.  The body will attempt to turn up the heat to kill the bacteria.  If we take drugs to shut off the fever, we allow the bacteria to grow, causing a worse infection.  Instead of turning off the heat, we can allow it to burn and kill the bacteria and eliminate waste.  The body will not allow the fever to go too high as is commonly feared.  For more information on this read, How to Raise a Healthy Child...In Spite of Your Doctor, by Dr. Mendelsohn.  The real worry in allowing the fever to run its course is dehydration.  Dr. Christopher always said, "dry heat kills, moist heat heals".  Let this be your motto and drink plenty of fluids.  Also consider soaking in a warm tub to both soak in water and sweat out toxins.

Next time you have a fever...ascertain the cause.  Figure out what the body is trying to do and help it to do its job by giving it nutrients or herbs to accomplish its work.  The fever is just a must figure out what needs attention.  Don't simply reach for a drug to shut off the alarm.

 Lisa A. Purdy is not a physician and all recommendations are not o be considered diagnosis or prescription.  Any information given is for educational purposes only.  You are responsible for your own health choices and all information is solely to assist in making those choices.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Food List for pH Balance

 To improve overall health and for optimal pH balance try to eat 80% alkaline forming foods and only 20% acid forming foods.  In general, to be more alkaline eat more fruits and vegetables...and limit the acidic foods:  meat, dairy, and grains.  Here is a basic list to help you make better daily choices.

Alkaline - Forming Foods

Almonds, Apples, Apricots, Avocadoes, Bananas, Beans - dried, Beet greens, Beets, Blackberries, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumbers, Dates - dried, Grapefruit, Grapes, Green beans,  Green Peas, Lemons, Lettuce, Limes, Milk - goat's, Molasses, Mushrooms, Muskmelon, Onions, Oranges, Parsnips, Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, Potatoes - white and sweet, Radishes, Raisins, Raspberries, Sauerkraut, Spinach - raw, Strawberries, Tangerines, tomatoes, Watermelon

Acid - Forming Foods

Bacon, Barley, Beef, Blueberries, Bran - wheat and oat, Bread - white and whole wheat, Butter, Cheese, Chicken, Codfish, Corn, Corn oil, Corn syrup, Crackers, Cranberries, Eggs, Flour - white and whole wheat, Haddock, Honey, Lamb, Lentils - dried, Lobster, Milk - cow's, Macaroni, Oatmeal, Olive oil, Peanut butter, Peanuts, Peas - dried, Plums, Pork, Prunes, Rice - brown and white, Salmon, Sardines, Sausage, Shrimp, Spaghetti, Squash - winter, Sugar, Sunflower seeds, Turkey, Walnuts, Wheat germ, Yogurt

Achieve Health One Choice At a Time!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Feeling Overwhelmed with Stress?

Natural Options Aromatherapy offers a wonderful Stress Relief Roll-on blend of essential oils...
Easy to use, simply roll on neck, shoulders, temples, and pulse points for quick relief of stress.

Stress Relief Roll-on contains:

Lavender - eases insomnia, depression, impatience,m stress, worry, shock...brings clarity, peace of mind, and emotional balance...clears negative energy

Clary Sage - brings tranquility and balance to the mind and emotions...calms anxiety, panic, paranoia...relaxing if feeling overwhelmed...antidepressant

Sandalwood - quiets the mind and emotions...relaxes, calms, promotes peaceful meditation...boosts confidence and promotes inner strength

Vetiver -promotes a sense of security and stability...deeply relaxing; eases tension, worry, and fear...
supports balance and aids insomnia

Grapefruit - eases depression and moodiness, stimulates and clears the mind, inspires joy, humor and confidence...energizes the nervous system

Ylang Ylang - inspires creativity...calms the heart and nerves...soothes negative emotions, eases depression...useful in stressful situations

Feeling overwhelmed with stress?  Try this roll-on for quick relief...I love it!

Lisa A. Purdy is not a physician and all communications or recommendations are not to be considered diagnosis or prescription,.  Any information given is for educational purposes only.  You are personally responsible for your own health choices and any or all information is solely to assist in making those choices.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Easy Now Tea

One of my favorite teas is Easy Now Tea from Traditional Medicinals!
For those moments of tension and stress, I reach for a cup of this organic tea. 
It contains the following organic ingredients:

Passion flower:  Great herb for anxiety...relaxes the muscles
Chamomile:  Calming, comforting, and soothing
Lavender:  Relieves stress and steadies the nerves
Catnip:  Natural antacid and sedative...not just for cats - great for people too!
Rosemary:  Tonic for heart and mind...eases anxiety, depression, and tension headaches
Peppermint:  Calms the entire body...great for hysteria
Spearmint:  Soothing to the nerves
Licorice:  Adrenal stimulant...soothes indigestion...adds sweetness    * Avoid with hypertension

Too much holiday stress?  Enjoy a cup of tea...

Friday, December 7, 2012

Relax with Passion Flower

Passion flower, Passiflora incarnata, is a vine from the West Indies.  Its name comes from the cross found at the center of the blossom.  The Jesuits called it "flower of the five passions" and believed it was the flower that grew on the cross in St Francis of Assisi's vision of Calvary, signifying the "passion" of Christ.  The five sepals and five petals represented the ten true apostles (excluding Judas and Peter who denied Christ), the flower's fringed crown was the crown of thorns, and the five stamens were the five wounds of Christ at his death.

Passion flower improves circulation to your nerves.  It is a mild sedative to relieve pain, antispasmodic, and relaxant.  Its analgesic properties may be helpful for headaches, menstrual pain, and toothache.  Passion flower may be used for all nervous disorders, including:  nervous tension, hyperactivity irritability, twitching, anxiety, agitation, panic, stress-induced disorders, tension headaches, nervous coughs, exhaustion, and insomnia.  Studies have shown that, unlike narcotics, passion flower promotes sleep with light natural breathing, with little neural depression, and upon waking no signs of confusion or melancholy.

Use passion flower as a routine tea and your nerves will be gradually steadier, you will respond better to stress, and your sleep will be more natural.

Passion flower is NOT recommended during pregnancy, because it may relax the uterus.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Calming Lavender

Lavender tea has a long history of calming nerves that are on edge.  It is particularly attuned to the brain to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression.  Lavender has the ability to improve mood and help you to get a good night's sleep.  It also has been used for headaches.  Lavender tea induces sweating, detoxifies the body, and reduces fevers.  Lavender comes from the Latin, lavare, meaning "to wash".  It is frequently added to bath products and shampoos.

During the 1920's, a French fragrance chemist named, Rene-Maurice Gattefosse severely burned his arm in an explosion in his laboratory.  In intense pain, he dipped his arm into the nearest liquid...a bowl of lavender oil.  Immediately the pain diminished and the burn healed quickly without scarring.  Gattefosse devoted the rest of his life to the study of essential oils and wrote a book, Aromatherapie, creating the term we use today.

Lavender oil is useful for all inflammations of the skip, but particularly burns.  It soothes the nervous system, useful for anger, hysteria, stress, irritability, exhaustion, anxiety, depression, or insomnia.  Essential oils are powerful, so remember to use only a couple of drops.  If you use too much it will give the opposite effect of causing a headache or keeping you awake in a restless state.  Lavender is one of the essential oils which may be put directly on the skin, but do not take internally.  Avoid lavender in the first trimester of pregnancy or if your blood pressure is extremely low.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Comforting Chamomile

Chamomile tea has long been known as a soothing tonic for the nerves.  It is one of the most beneficial herbs to keep on hand for emergencies.  Chamomile is invigorating and strengthening to the body.  Yet, it has sedative qualities, which soothe the nerves and may help you to sleep.

One famous use of chamomile tea is in, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, when young Peter eats too much in Mr. McGregor's garden and is terrified at being chased out of the garden by the angry man.  Peter's mother gave him a cup of chamomile tea, which would both soothe his indigestion and calm his frightened nerves.

Chamomile is especially useful for children:  for stomach upset, fevers, or even nightmares.  It is an herb that is beneficial in pregnancy as it relaxes the mother for a sound sleep and helps with digestive and bowel problems.  Chamomilla which is the homeopathic form of the herb has a safe history of use with cranky, teething children.

Chamomile tea provides relief for muscle aches, menstrual cramps, nausea, and colic.  It is antiseptic and antibacterial, useful as a wash for the skin or eyes.  Chamomile reduces inflammation and helps to fight infection.

The Greeks called Chamomile, "ground apple", for its low-growing habit and its apple smell.  There are two types of chamomile:  Roman chamomile grows like a ground cover and even likes to be stepped upon, and German chamomile which is the type to plant if you wish to grow your own tea.  German chamomile is an annual, which grows to 18 inches tall.  The flowers are easily harvested and dried for tea.  The only caution for chamomile is for those who are allergic to ragweed or any of the chrysanthemum family.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Holiday Essential Oil Blend

I found a wonderful aromatherapy blend for the holidays.  I am using this in my candle warmers at the store and have been surprised at its mellow effectiveness.  I thought pine would be strong and overpowering, but instead it has a subtle and pleasant scent.  Try this blend to help with holiday stress:

4 drops pine
2 drops mandarin
1 drop cinnamon

Pine is peaceful and balancing, yet invigorating.  It is helpful for apathy, nervous exhaustion,  fatigue, or lethargy.  Pine is beneficial for the glandular, urinary, respiratory, and circulatory systems.  It assists in the healing process.  With qualities of being antiviral, decongestant, expectorant, and disinfectant, it is a great choice for this time of year.  Pine is also excellent for clearing negative energy from the environment, making it a good choice for relatives, who may bring resentments along with gifts, when they visit. 

Mandarin is cheerful, refreshing, and inspiring.  It alleviates stress, tension, irritability, nervous tension, and mental fatigue.  Mandarin helps restlessness, gives relief from over-activity,  and promotes peaceful sleep.  Mandarin is a favorite of children because of its sweet, orange-like scent and its gentleness.

Cinnamon transforms low vitality, depression, mental exhaustion, and lack of motivation into a zest for life.  It stimulates creativity and stimulates new ideas.  Cinnamon may ease indigestion caused by stress, use externally only.  It stimulates circulation and is antiviral.

Enjoy the holidays...without the stress!