Tuesday, January 29, 2013

10 Foods to Eat Daily

EGGS - Eggs contain 72 calories, 6.3 grams of high-quality protein, and vitamins B12, A, and E.  Want to lose weight?  Replace carbs with eggs for breakfast and lose 65 percent more weight; as did the people in a study reported in the International Journal of Obesity.  For a time people were told to avoid eggs because of its cholesterol content, but it has been shown that eating eggs has little impact on your serum cholesterol level.  Eggs are good food...not to be avoided!

GREEN TEA - Boosts the metabolism, aiding in weight loss.  Green tea contains antioxidants which help prevent cancer.  They say it only takes 4 cups a day - I say that is do-able!

GARLIC - Antibacterial and antifungal, garlic is great for fighting off colds.  Garlic strengthens the cardiovascular and immune systems.  For best results, eat it raw, as cooking changes it's effectiveness.  I use 1 clove every 4 hours as a natural antibiotic...mince and add to a tsp. honey.

GRAPEFRUIT - Has long been known to help people lose weight.  Grapefruit decreases levels of insulin as sugar is metabolized more effectively.  It also contains a massive amount of the cancer-preventing antioxidant lycopene.

GREEK YOGURT - Contains more proteins, more calcium, and less sugar than most yogurts.  Plus it is a great source of the good live bacteria...beneficial to the intestines and immune system.  Try this instead of sour cream, use in dips, salad dressings, or with fruit for breakfast or a snack.  Yum!

AVOCADO - This moist,creamy, delicious food is one of my favorites.  Try it on a salad, sandwich, or as a salad dressing, or dip for vegies.  I like to cut it in half and just eat it with a spoon!  Avocado contains the good kind of fats; which the body needs for brain, heart, and artery health.  Eating good fats helps the body to release stored fat as well...so you can lose that belly fat.

QUINOA - Try something new!  Quinoa is a grain which cooks like rice, but has twice the protein.  It is a complete protein...containing a blend of all the amino acids...perfect for vegetarians!  It also has lots of fiber with a small portion of carbohydrates, making it a good choice for diabetics or those watching their weight.

BELL PEPPERS - Go for the brightly colored ones...they are full of antioxidants!  Also high in carotenoids and vitamin C, which improve immune function, cell communication, and defend against sun damage and cancer.

ALMONDS - High in fiber and protein, almonds make a great snack.  Also high in oleic acid, almonds improve brain and heart function.  We all need that!

SWISS CHARD - known as nature's multivitamin...contains 16 vital nutrients including:  vitamins A, E, and K.  These nutrients strenthen bones, improve brain function, and protect against cancer.  Our Grandmother's knew what they were doing when they added these cooked greens to the diet!

THE CHALLENGE - How many of these foods can you add to your diet today?

Information for this list was taken from the book, Eat This Not That by David Zinczenko.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Your Brain Needs Essential Fatty Acids!

Did you know that your brain is 50% fat?  If we deprive ourselves of beneficial fats, we deprive the brain of the nutrients it needs to function.  Deficient EFA's lead to an impaired ability to learn and recall information.  Do you suppose there is a correlation between the past 30 years of low fat and no fat diet fads, to the increase in Alzheimers, dementia, and Attention Deficit Disorder?

What are essential fatty acids or EFA's?  They are the building blocks of fats and oils.  EFA's are essential for rebuilding and producing new cells in the body.  They are called essential because they are not made by the body and MUST be obtained from the diet.

What do essential fatty acids do?  They improve the skin and hair with anti-viral effects.  EFA's may prevent arthritis by decreasing inflammation.  They lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels; and improve artery integrity. EFA's aid in the transmission of nerve impulses and the functioning of the brain.

How do we increase the EFA's in our diet or with supplements?  Essential fatty acids, particularly the omega-3's, are found in deep water fish, fish oil, flax oil, and walnut oil.  The omega-6's are found in raw nuts, seeds, legumes, unsaturated vegetable oils, borage oil, grape seed oil, evening primrose oil, sesame oil, and soybean oil.  It is best to have a ratio of 4/1...omega-3's/omega-6's for adequate prostaglandins.  Prostaglandins regulate:  inflammation, pain, swelling, blood pressure, heart/gastrointestinal/kidney functions, blood clotting, allergic response, steroid and hormone production.

What causes a deficiency of essential fatty acids?  Excessive consumption of omega-6 oils, trans-fatty acids, or hydrogenated oils.  Hydrogenated oils are found in most refined and processed foods, breads, cakes, candies, canned soups, cereals, cookies, doughnuts, processed cheese, and snack foods.  Hydrogenated oils are in margarine, canola, corn, safflower, sesame, sunflower, and walnut oils.  Hydrogenated oils are associated with:  low birth weight, low quality breast-milk, abnormal sperm, decreased testosterone in men, prostate and heart disease, obesity, suppression of the immune system, cancers, and raised LDL/lowered HDL cholesterol levels.

What destroys essential fatty acids?  Heat!  Worse, it causes free radicals.  So be careful not to heat good oils such as flax oil. However, olive oil is fine for cooking at lower temperatures.

Improve your brain...take a fish or flax oil supplement daily!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Organic Minerals or Rocks?

What do minerals do?  Minerals are necessary for the function of your cells...and remember:  You are only as healthy as your cells.  Minerals are needed for proper composition of body fluids, the formation of blood and bone, healthy nerve function, activating enzymes,  maintaining muscle tone including heart muscle, balancing pH levels, and are involved with energy production, growth, and repair.

Where do minerals come from?  One of the best sources of minerals are rocks.  Now think about that...would you pick up a rock, a piece of coral, or an oyster shell, and eat it?  Yet, we will grind it up, put it in a capsule and expect our digestive system to break it down and utilize it.  We were not made to eat rocks!  The plant roots go deep into the soil and take up the minerals there.  Then we eat the plants to provide our minerals.  We need to get our minerals from an organic...or living...source.
The other problem with these rock mineral supplements is that they are processed with industrial chemicals.  Dr. Robert Thiel has some excellent information on his website:  www.doctorsresearch,.com. 

How do I provide my body with enough minerals?   First, eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.  The best source of minerals is real food!  If you need extra minerals, make sure you get them from a plant source.  Herbs such as alfalfa, dandelion, kelp, and spirulina, are very high in trace minerals.  Red algae is a great source of calcium...and one that is easily absorbed by the body. 

Make sure your minerals come from an organic source...not rocks!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Understanding Your Gallbladder

The gallbladder is about four inches long, pear shaped, and located under the liver on the right side of the body.  The liver produces bile as a waste product to remove toxins from the body  The gallbladder stores the bile and uses it to aid the process of digestion. The body believes in recycling!    

The gallbladder holds about 1/4 pint of bile, which it releases into the duodenum to neutralize the acidic chyme (food) released from the stomach.  The other job of bile is to degrease fat...much like your dish soap does for washing dishes.  .  If the gallbladder is removed neither of these functions are possible.  Bile will continually drip into the duodenum, but never in sufficient quantities to neutralize the pH or break down fats as it needs to do. This acidic state in the duodenum leads to ulcers; and fats will simply run through the bowel causing diarrhea. 

The composition of bile includes: pigments- made from bilirubin which is the waste from red blood cells and is responsible for the color of urine and feces, bile salts - mostly sodium and highly alkaline, and cholesterol.  Since this is such a easily accessible source of minerals, the body will sometimes steal the minerals stored there for the lifesaving use of neutralizing an acidic body.  If the liquid minerals are stolen, the cholesterol and pigments may solidify to form gallstones.  Prevention of gallstones then, would include eating vegetables and using organic mineral supplements to build up the  minerals available to the body.

A good cleanse to rid the body of gallstones is described in the book, The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse, by Andreas Moritz.  It is important to follow a careful regimen for removal of gallstones, which should include using apple juice to help soften the stones.  Stones too large to pass, may be a problem causing pain and hospitalization...so be sure to discuss this with your doctor.  However, many people have had success in removing gallstones from the body with natural methods.  Do your research first!  Definitely explore the possibility of ridding the body of stones before it gets to the point of needing the gallbladder removed, as this causes problems lasting a lifetime.  Prevention is the cure!

Lisa Purdy is not a physician and all information given is for educational purposes only and not to be considered diagnosis or prescription.  You are personally responsible for your own health choices and any information given is to assist you in making those choices.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Overworked Pancreas = Diabetes

The pancreas is located just below the stomach.  Its primary function is to produce the enzymes necessary for digestion and secrete them into the duodenum where they will be activated.  Its secondary function is to produce two hormones, insulin and glucagonInsulin lowers blood sugar by allowing glucose to pass into the body's cells and be used as energy.  Glucagon raises blood sugar as needed to keep balance.

Problems of the pancreas include:   Pancreatitis which is defined as the inflammation and enlargement of the pancreas gland.  Pancreatitis may be caused by alcohol damage or by overwork as it desperately tries to create enough enzymes for food digestion. If the pancreas is too busy making enzymes for digestion...it doesn't have the energy needed to make enough insulin.  Diabetes mellitus is defined as a disease of insufficient insulin.  Excess glucose is found in blood and urine it is characterized by abnormal metabolism of glucose, protein, and fat.  Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar is now considered to be the precursor of diabetes.

Diet is key to preventing diabetes, which has become epidemic in the United States.  We must replace simple carbohydrates or sugars, with complex carbohydrates which digest more slowly and do not spike blood sugar levels. Avoid all processed foods, including those labeled whole grain.  In changing your diet, remember, it is not the once-in-a-while special treats that harm us, but what we eat every day that will kill us.  When we eat sugar our pancreas secretes insulin to help us process that sugar....because we eat too many sugars our pancreas works overtime, and wears out.  Then we end up on insulin, and facing the many side effects that diabetes brings. 

Supplements and herbs that may be useful for the pancreas include:  alpha lipoic acid, vitamin E,  cedar berry, cinnamon, chromium, gentian, gymnema sylvestre, nopal, and vanadium.  Also taking supplemental enzymes for digestion, allows the pancreas to focus more on creating insulin and less on making digestive enzymes.  Give your pancreas a rest today!

Lisa Purdy is not a physician and the above information is not to be considered diagnosis or prescription.  All information given is for educational purposes.  Each person is responsible for their own health choices, and the information is solely to assist in making those choices.

Digestion and Absorption

Digestion and absorption are the two chief functions of the digestive system. 

Digestion mostly occurs in the stomach where enzymes and hydrochloric acid break down the food into small molecular chains, which can be used by the body after it is absorbed into the bloodstream.  You are NOT what you eat...but what you assimilate and utilize! 

Problems in the stomach include:  heartburn or acid reflux, churning, belching, bloating, and ulcers. . 
Supplements for the stomach include:  enzymes and betaine HCL to better break down the food, slippery elm and aloe vera to sooth and rebuild the stomach lining, fennel or ginger to settle an upset stomach.

Absorption is the job of the small intestine, a 20 foot long tube, divided into 3 sections.  The first section, the duodenum, receives the juices from the gallbladder and pancreas which create just the right pH and enzymes to finish off the break down of the food which mostly occurred in the stomach. The main part of assimilation occurs in the jejunum, 12 feet long, covered with finger-like projections called villi.  These catch the food absorbing the nutrients, leaving water and waste behind to move on thru the third section, called the illeum

Problems in the small intestine include:  inflammation called enteritis, mal-absorption of minerals and vitamins commonly caused by allergies to foods, duodenal ulcers, or candida yeast imbalance.  Celiac disease is caused by an allergic reaction to gluten which damages the jejunum each time wheat is eaten.  It is important to remove the allergens from your diet. 

Supplements for the small intestine include:  enzymes, probiotics, essential fatty acids (EFA's), and herbs.  Enzymes, EFA's, and herbs like marshmallow, wild yam, and slippery elm help soothe inflammation.  Probiotics, such as acidolphilus help keep candida yeast in check.

Digestion and absorption are basic to the health of the body.  If they are not functioning properly, the body doesn't have the nutrients it needs to function, have energy, or repair and heal.   
Give the digestive system the attention it needs!

Lisa Purdy is not a physician and nothing herein is to be considered diagnosis or prescription.  All information is for educational purposes only.  You are responsible for your own health choices and this information is presented to assist you in making those choices.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Painful Ulcers?

What causes ulcers?

Stomach ulcers develop when the mucous lining is compromised.  The acid burns a painful sore in the stomach or more often in the upper part of the small intestine called the duodenum.  Chyme or food from the stomach along with the hydrochloric acid moves into the duodenum and then is neutralized by bile from the liver through the gallbladder.  If the bile does not have sufficient minerals to neutralize the acid then it will burn sores or ulcers there.  The duodenum does not have the same protective mucous lining as the stomach does, so it is easily burned by the acid.  The other interesting thing about the duodenum is that it doesn't have many nerve endings, so you may not even feel the acid burning there...you just start bleeding.  Ulcers are also caused by bacteria, so it is important that you have enough bacteria in the stomach to kill the bacteria before it reaches the duodenum.  Other causes of ulcers are the overuse of  NSAIDS (nonsteroid anti-inflammation drugs) such as aspirin or ibuprofen.  Stress will make ulcers worse.

What are natural ways to help ulcers heal?

While allowing ulcers to heal, eat a low protein and low fiber diet.  A high protein diet requires the body to make more acid; and although fiber is normally desired, with an ulcer it acts as a scrub brush irritating the sore.  Herbs which ;might be useful for ulcers include:  agrimony, aloe vera, bilberry, calendula, chamomile, cinnamon, comfrey, fenugreek, ginger, goldenseal, licorice, marshmallow, meadowsweet, mullein, and myrrh,.  Slippery elm is very soothing and healing, especially to the mucous membrane, and is my first choice for use in healing the digestive system.

Dr. Christopher's Slippery Elm Gruel

Make a paste by adding (up to 8 oz.) distilled water a little at a time to 3 oz. slippery elm powder; add 1 tsp. honey and a dash of cinnamon.

Lisa Purdy is not a physician and this information is not to be considered diagnosis or prescription.  Any information is given for educational purposes only and is intended to supplement, not replace, the medical advice of  your doctor.  Each person is responsible for their own health choices.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Constipation and Diarrhea

Dr. John Christopher, a famous herbalist, warns us, "Well over ninety percent of all disease comes from an unclean body whose sewer is backed up."  It is very important for the bowel to be eliminating properly, otherwise toxins build up and create all kinds of problems for the body.

Constipation may be caused by poor diet, low fiber, too much fast food, food allergies (especially dairy), too much red meat, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, travel, stress, and lack of exercise.

Diarrhea may be caused by poor food absorption, lack of fiber, enzyme deficiency, chronic vitamin A deficiency, intestinal parasites, colitis, food poisoning, food allergies (particularly milk or wheat), stress, reactions to chemicals or drugs, and bacterial or flu infection.

Check into these herbs and supplements to help the bowel!
Laxative:  cascara sagrada, senna, triphala, magnesium
Soothing:  marshmallow, slippery elm, aloe vera, essential fatty acids
Astringent:  red raspberry, aloe vera
Detox:  chlorophyll, bentonite clay, activated charcoal
Fiber:  psyllium hulls, flax seeds, chia seeds
Probiotics:  the friendly bacteria...such as acidolphilus

There are many box cleanses available that combine several of these herbs and fiber to give the bowel a good cleanse.  Two of my favorite cleanses are Clean Start by Nature's Sunshine or the Total Body Rapid Cleanse from Renew Life.  If you want to find better health...start by cleansing the bowel!

Lisa A. Purdy is not a physician and all recommendations are not to e considered diagnosis or prescription.  Any information given is for educational purposes only.  You are personally responsible for your own health choices and all information is solely to assist in making those choices.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Organic vs. Natural

What do these words mean?  My husband frequently uses the saying..."He who defines, WINS".  If we don't understand what the terms mean, we can be easily fooled by marketing strategies. 

Organic- This term is the easiest to define and to understand.  Organic means "living".  If it is certified organic, then the item has been grown under certain conditions.  It has no chemical fertilizers or pesticides sprayed on it or even near the place it is grown.  Organic also by definition is NOT a genetically modified organism, GMO.  Organic animal products have been fed organic grain, and also have not been subjected to artificial growth hormones and minimal antibiotics.  You pay more for a product that has been certified organic, but you know it has been produced under strict conditions with minimal contamination.  The more we support organic farmers, the more availability will increase and the prices will go down too.  Watch for labels where part of the ingredients are "organic", but not everything in the product.

Natural- This term is "Trouble with a capital T".  Natural means "from the earth".  Basically any chemical found on the earth is natural.  So a natural food could contain any chemicals found on the earth.  Natural does NOT mean that it is in its Nature/God-created or original state.  The label "Natural" is like a warning sign to me..that it may not be what I think of as natural at all.  For instance Natural flavors may be from any chemical on the earth...blueberry flavor may in fact be made from cranberries or grapes or any chemicals in them.  We think natural is a good term, but in fact it is used broadly in marketing to hide things you may want to avoid.

Synthetic- This term means Man made.  It is the idea that the synthetic item is LIKE the real thing...some would say it is the same thing.  In fact, it may look identical in its chemical/molecular structure...but somehow the body knows the difference.  Synthetics are an imitation of the real thing...they may look alike, but they are not the same.  They may be helpful at times...but they never completely replace the real food or original vitamin.  Perhaps there is something "alive" that we cannot imitate.

I hope this discussion of word meanings is helpful to you.  The next time you read food or supplement labels...keep my simple definitions in mind as you make your choices.

Fun example:  Have you heard of the coffee beans that achieve their special flavor after going thru the digestive system of the elephant?  They are then handpicked from the "elephant piles", roasted, and sold for $500 a pound.  I think these could be labeled organic and natural...but that doesn't make them good in my mind!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Lisa's Morning Green Drink

Mix until smooth in blender:

1 scoop protein powder
1Tbsp ground flax or chia seed
1 Tbsp wheatgrass or barley green powder
herbs:  gingko, bilberries, astragulus (optional)
1/3 cup yogurt (optional)
2/3 cup water or milk (goat, almond, or rice)
liquid mineral supplement
1 Tbsp fish or flax oil
1/4 cup blueberries
1/2 banana

This green drink gives me lots of energy and keeps me satisfied most of the morning.  If I have my green drink for breakfast, a large salad for lunch, dinner of meat and vegies, with snacks of fruit, vegies, or nuts...I lose weight too.  The protein powder I like best is vanilla flavored, Love -n- Peas, from Nature's Sunshine.  The ground flax and chia seeds provide fiber, vitamins, protein, and omega-3 fats.  I use the powdered wheatgrass or barley because it's easy, but you can use fresh greens, spinach, or kale.  I place 1 weeks worth of measured dry ingredients into a jar in the fridge...then I just grab 2 scoops out of the jar and add my wet ingredients in the blender.  This makes it easy to put together in the morning, despite my rush to get out the door...if I don't make it easy, then it is too easy to make excuses not to do it.  I also add good-tasting herbs...less pills to swallow!  Ginkgo is for circulation to the brain...I need all the help I can get!  Bilberries and also the blueberries help my eyes, and astragulus builds the immune system - great for the winter months.  I add Cell Food as a mineral supplement or Chinese Mineral Chi Tonic, from Nature's Sunshine.  I use Barlean's fish or flax oil...the flavored Omega Swirls are really yummy (not a bit fishy, I promise!).  The nice thing about a smoothie is you can add just about anything!  The banana gives it a nice sweet taste, but you can use a variety of fruits and frozen fruits will make a thicker smoothie.  The only negative is:  You have to get past drinking something GREEN!  A green drink can provide protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 oils...a great way to start your day!  Give it a try!