Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Antibacterial Garlic Salve

Looking for an alternative to antibiotics?  Garlic is the simple solution.  Available in any grocery store, keep it on hand to use for cooking or sickness.  Raw garlic is a potent antibiotic, with anti-fungal and anti-viral properties as well.  When crushed the garlic releases an enzyme which combines with an amino acid in the garlic to create allicin...the smelly and antibiotic quality of garlic. 

One of the simplest ways to use garlic, especially with children, is to make a salve which you rub on the soles of the feet.  The skin is sometimes called your largest organ.  We forget how many things are absorbed by the skin.  It is a great way to get medicinal herbs into the body.  Rub this garlic salve on your feet and see how quickly you taste it in your mouth.  It also may be rubbed on the chest or back to assist in healing an upper respiratory infection.  This salve may also be used on rashes, athlete's foot, or on any area to prevent infection.  Having the salve prepared and in the refrigerator makes it quick and easy to use when you need it.

Garlic Salve Recipe - In a blender mix:  1/3 cup coconut oil, 2 Tbsp. olive oil, 8 cloves peeled garlic, 5 drops of lavender oil.  Blend until liquified, strain out any pieces of garlic, and refrigerate.  This recipe is taken from the book, Be Your Own Doctor, written by Rachel Weaver, M.H. (One of my favorite books.)

To purchase garlic in capsules or to read more about its qualities, go to our online store:


Lisa Purdy is not a physician, and all recommendations are not to be considered diagnosis or prescription,  Any information given is for educational purposes only.,  You are responsible for your own health choices.

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