Monday, December 3, 2012

Comforting Chamomile

Chamomile tea has long been known as a soothing tonic for the nerves.  It is one of the most beneficial herbs to keep on hand for emergencies.  Chamomile is invigorating and strengthening to the body.  Yet, it has sedative qualities, which soothe the nerves and may help you to sleep.

One famous use of chamomile tea is in, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, when young Peter eats too much in Mr. McGregor's garden and is terrified at being chased out of the garden by the angry man.  Peter's mother gave him a cup of chamomile tea, which would both soothe his indigestion and calm his frightened nerves.

Chamomile is especially useful for children:  for stomach upset, fevers, or even nightmares.  It is an herb that is beneficial in pregnancy as it relaxes the mother for a sound sleep and helps with digestive and bowel problems.  Chamomilla which is the homeopathic form of the herb has a safe history of use with cranky, teething children.

Chamomile tea provides relief for muscle aches, menstrual cramps, nausea, and colic.  It is antiseptic and antibacterial, useful as a wash for the skin or eyes.  Chamomile reduces inflammation and helps to fight infection.

The Greeks called Chamomile, "ground apple", for its low-growing habit and its apple smell.  There are two types of chamomile:  Roman chamomile grows like a ground cover and even likes to be stepped upon, and German chamomile which is the type to plant if you wish to grow your own tea.  German chamomile is an annual, which grows to 18 inches tall.  The flowers are easily harvested and dried for tea.  The only caution for chamomile is for those who are allergic to ragweed or any of the chrysanthemum family.


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