Monday, March 25, 2013

Homeopathy for Behavior Problems in Children

Homeopathic remedies are safe, nonaddictive, and may be used with children who have developmental or behavioral problems.  These remedies may be taken with medications as they do not interfere with them.  The information for this article was taken from one of my favorite books, Natural Treatments fro ADD and Hyperactivity, by Skye Weintraub, N.D.  Please see the book for more complete descriptions and information.

Anacardium:  for confused children who have the feeling of being followed or having a double.  They have a tendency to curse or swear and are abusive to animals.
Arsenicum album:  for children who are fidgety, hyperactive, and have allergies.  They have restless sleep.  Their mind is anxious with obsessive thoughts and double checking. They are always in a hurry.  They fear being alone.
Baryta carbonica:  for the child who is delayed in physical and mental development.  Poor assimilation causes emaciation of the body.  The mind has a a lack of understanding, very literal, with difficulty keeping up.  Problems with tonsils and chronic cough.
Cannabis indica:  autistic or "spaced out" children whose senses are exaggerated. They make up stories, have a short attention span, day dreaming, absent-minded, biting, and fear of death.  Urinary tract problems common.
Capsicum:  children who are brooding, irritable, absent-minded, disobedient, angry, and homesick.  Extremely obstinate and offended easily.  Difficulty in sleeping, wake full of fear.
Carcinosin:  children who are dull of mind, fearful, timid, unhappy, worried, and obstinate.  They love travel and music.  Strong cravings or aversions to certain foods.  Symptoms may appear after a vaccination reaction or a family member may have cancer.
Chamomile:  child with a bad temper, irritable, impatient, and complaining.  Everything for them is intolerable...they "cannot bear it".  Symptoms worse at night.
Cina:  child who is restless at night, grinding teeth or wetting the bed.  They may pick their nose until it bleeds.  This child does not want to be touched or looked at.  Parasites may be present.
Helleborus:  child feels stupid, dull, unresponsive.  History may show head injury or encephalitis.  They are unable to memorize anything.  A feeling of despair, anger, and aversion to making any effort.  They often bite their spoon without awareness.
Hyoscyamus:  child with poor impulse control.  They do not answer questions, act silly, laughing, and dancing around.  They talk excessively, with episodes of mania, rage, and depression.  They are manipulative, lying, jealous, fearful, delusional, and violent.
Lachesis:  jealous children, vengeful, sarcastic, nasty, with severe depression.They are very sensitive to criticism. They wake from sleep even more agitated.  They hate tight clothing.
Lycopodium:  the bossy child.  Intelligent with performance anxiety, insecurity, poor memory, inability to concentrate, and chronic fatigue.   Fearful of new situations or changes in diet. 
Medorrhinum:  children who fear public places...especially eating in public.  Aggressive, having temper tantrums, malicious with animals, impulsive, cannot pay attention, they are night owls.
Stramonium:  remedy for terrors and nightmares, worse between midnight and 2:00am, often wake screaming.  They have a horror of shiny objects.  Do not estimate distance correctly.  Food tastes bitter.  Child may sit silently, picking at their clothes.
Sulphur:  children who do not like to be bathed, and tend to be untidy.  Daydreamers in a fantasy world.  Their thought processes are illogical.  Memory is poor.  Enclosed situations threaten them.
Tarantula hispanica:  remedy for the most hyperactive of children.  They display impulsive restlessness, self-destructive, excessive fits, unceasing movement, violence, and depression.
Veratrum album:  child displays repetitive behavior and hyperactivity.  Child is restless, destructive, will tell outrageous lies, and act inappropriately by  touching others.  They love ice cold drinks.

Lisa Purdy is not a physician.  The information given is not intended to be diagnosis or prescription, nor is it intended to replace professional medical help for your child.  The information is given for educational purposes only.  You are responsible for your own health choices.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Homeopathy for Diarrhea

Diarrhea is defined as the frequent and excessive discharge of watery stools from the bowel.  It is a cleansing action and generally means the body is trying to rid itself of something.  It may be caused by unfamiliar foods, spoiled foods, or bacteria.  Always remember to drink plenty of fluids, to avoid the dangers of dehydration.  The following homeopathic remedies will help relieve symptoms without interfering with the healing action of the body.

Arsenicum:  The stomach feels heavy with nausea and vomiting.  There is a feeling of weakness.  Symptoms may have come from eating fruit, particularly melons, or an unfamiliar food.

Cuprum arsenicosum:  Symptoms include burning, cramping, pains in lower bowels, a feeling of collapse, with vomiting and diarrhea.

Gelsemium:  Loose stools or diarrhea in anticipation of a social engagement or fear of an ordeal.  May also follow a fright.

Podophyllum:  Diarrhea in the early morning or after eating.  Yellow watery stools with squirting action. May have cramps, better by heat and bending.  May feel weak and exhausted after bowels move.

Sulphur:  Stools change between yellow and watery to slimy with udigested food.  Urgent need to evacuate in the morning.

Veratrum album:  Similar symptoms to Arsenicum, but also feels on the verge of collapse and is in a cold sweat.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Homeopathy to Help You Sleep

Difficulty sleeping is a common problem.   If it continues long term it can lead to more serious health problems, as the body builds and repairs during sleep.  Here are a few homeopathic remedies to help with chronic exhaustion and problems getting a good night's sleep.

Calcarea phosphorica:  Difficulty in getting to sleep.  Relaxing is difficult with tension in neck and shoulders.  Difficulty sleeping after an illness.  Can't seem to sleep before midnight...then hard to get up in the morning.  Growing children who have trouble sleeping.

Cocculus indicus:  Disturbed sleep or lack of sleep causing dizziness and insomnia.  Feeling anxious, especially caregivers.  Sleep is restless with nightmares.  Loss of appetite with nausea.

Coffea cruda:  Overactive mind, excitement, or caffeine makes it difficult to sleep.  Cannot switch off thoughts.  Sleep is full of vivid dreams.

Kali phosphoricum:  Nervous strain, over-excitement, from an intense period of work or study makes it difficult to go to sleep.  Nervous exhaustion with empty feeling in pit of stomach.

Nitricum acidum:  Especially in shift work...loss of sleep or disturbed sleep.  Insomnia and irritability.  Cannot get to sleep till early morning hours (2:00), then wakes exhausted.

Nux vomica:  Loss of sleep or disturbed sleep from overwork and mental strain, or too much caffeine.  Exhaustion, insomnia, and irritability.  Difficult to go to sleep, vivid dreams, wakes at 3:00 and can't get back to sleep, finally drifts off just before the alarm, wakes feeling tense and exhausted.  Unable to relax, sedentary lifestyle.

Sulphur:  Sedentary lifestyle causing slump, hard to get motivated, no get-up-and-go.

Zincum metallicum:  A period of overwork or emotional stress causes difficulty getting to sleep.  Feels run down, exhausted, and tense.  Sleep is unrefreshing.  Restless legs jerk on falling asleep.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Homeopathy for Colds

Homeopathy is wonderful for acute conditions such as colds.  It is safe, having no side effects, easy to use, and inexpensive.  Listed below are a few of the commonly used remedies, simply match your symptoms to the remedy.

Aconitum napellus (monkshood):  Useful in the early stages of fiver or inflammation with sudden onset, especially after exposure to cold, dry wind.  The person is fearful, restless, and thirsty.  Throbbing headache, clear nasal discharge, sneezing, burning throat, barking cough, eyes feel dry and sandy.  Sensitive to noise and light.  Worse at night.

Allium cepa (red onion):  Profuse watery discharge from eyes and nose, sometimes from one nostril, without sneezing, hoarseness, laryngitis, with a raw sensation in throat and chest. Better from open air and cold room.

Bryonia alba (white bryonia):  Called the "grumpy bear" because the person is irritable and wants to be left alone.  watery nasal discharge with stuffy nose, dry racking - painful cough, aching, great thirst, pale, splitting headache, person fells worse from the slightest movement.

Hepar sulphuris calcareum (calcium sulphide):  Most commonly used for children with croup.  Oversensitivity, irritable, and touchy.  Ear ache with sticking pain, deep - barking voice, rattling cough, itching eyes and throat, sneezing, offensive sour sweat.  Better from warmth and eating.  Useful for the late stage of stuffy colds.

Phosphorus:  Fearful of the dark or being alone.  Pale, laryngitis, throat raw - furry, violent tickling in throat, dry - racking cough that hurts, descend to heavy weight in chest, nausea, diarrhea or constipation.  Better from open air, and cold drinks.

Pulsatilla (wind flower):  Person craves open air and is not thirsty.  Sensitive, moody, in pain, craves attention.  Nose runs thick with yellow discharge. Styes on eyes.  Gagging cough, bringing up yellow mucus, weight on chest - must sit up.  Ears ar stopped up, with severe throbbing, worse at night.  Better with motion.

Spongia tosta (roasted sponge):  Chief symptom is a croupy, wheezy cough - the croup.  Lying down with head low, breathing sounds harsh, breathing difficult as if throat was plugged, dry - barking cough.  Nose runs and then stops, alternating.  Eyes water, discharge of mucus.  Better from swallowing.  Feeling of exhaustion or heaviness of body.

Lisa Purdy is not a physician and all recommendations are not to be considered diagnosis or prescription.  Any information given is for educational purposes only You are personally responsible for your own health choices and any information is to assist you in making those choices.