Monday, March 18, 2013

Homeopathy to Help You Sleep

Difficulty sleeping is a common problem.   If it continues long term it can lead to more serious health problems, as the body builds and repairs during sleep.  Here are a few homeopathic remedies to help with chronic exhaustion and problems getting a good night's sleep.

Calcarea phosphorica:  Difficulty in getting to sleep.  Relaxing is difficult with tension in neck and shoulders.  Difficulty sleeping after an illness.  Can't seem to sleep before midnight...then hard to get up in the morning.  Growing children who have trouble sleeping.

Cocculus indicus:  Disturbed sleep or lack of sleep causing dizziness and insomnia.  Feeling anxious, especially caregivers.  Sleep is restless with nightmares.  Loss of appetite with nausea.

Coffea cruda:  Overactive mind, excitement, or caffeine makes it difficult to sleep.  Cannot switch off thoughts.  Sleep is full of vivid dreams.

Kali phosphoricum:  Nervous strain, over-excitement, from an intense period of work or study makes it difficult to go to sleep.  Nervous exhaustion with empty feeling in pit of stomach.

Nitricum acidum:  Especially in shift work...loss of sleep or disturbed sleep.  Insomnia and irritability.  Cannot get to sleep till early morning hours (2:00), then wakes exhausted.

Nux vomica:  Loss of sleep or disturbed sleep from overwork and mental strain, or too much caffeine.  Exhaustion, insomnia, and irritability.  Difficult to go to sleep, vivid dreams, wakes at 3:00 and can't get back to sleep, finally drifts off just before the alarm, wakes feeling tense and exhausted.  Unable to relax, sedentary lifestyle.

Sulphur:  Sedentary lifestyle causing slump, hard to get motivated, no get-up-and-go.

Zincum metallicum:  A period of overwork or emotional stress causes difficulty getting to sleep.  Feels run down, exhausted, and tense.  Sleep is unrefreshing.  Restless legs jerk on falling asleep.

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