Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Calendula - the Flower of the Sun

"The marigold goes to bed with the Sun
And with him rises, weeping."  William Shakespeare

The marigold, Calendula officinalis, is called pot marigold or Mary's gold, in honor of the Virgin Mary.  The orange flower is associated with grief, and it has been considered a magical plant used to protect against evil.  In some cultures it is considered a symbol of endurance.  To the Aztecs, calendula represented the cycle of life. 

An annual, growing 18-30 inches tall, with daisy-like ray flowers, the entire plant is covered with fine hairs.    The parts used medicinally are the flower petals, which are commonly used as a tea.  The petals have been used in cosmetics and to color foods, naturally.  Calendula may also be prepared as a homeopathic medicine, where it is indicated if the pain seems out of proportion to the injury.

Calendula is useful for the skin, healing wounds and ulcers.  It promotes tissue repair with minimal scarring and reduces inflammation.  It is antibacterial and antifungal.  Research has shown it to be effective in flu and herpes viruses, and to reduce lymphatic congestion and infections.  It improves circulation and strengthens the heart.  Calendula detoxifies the liver, increasing the production of bile and enzymes, improving digestion.  Traditionally, the tea has been used for fevers.

Calendula has a reputation for treating tumors, fibroids, and cysts of the female reproductive system.  It regulates menstruation, reduces muscle tension and cramps, and reduces excess bleeding.  It has an estrogenic effect which helps menopausal symptoms and reduces breast tenderness.  It stimulates uterine contractions and the delivery of the placenta...therefore DO NOT use in pregnancy.

Calendula is easily grown in your backyard.  Harvest the flower petals and dry them to use in tea, or to make your own healing ointment.

Lisa Purdy is not a physician and all recommendations are not to be considered diagnosis or prescription,  Any information given is for educational purposes only.  Your are responsible for your own health choices.

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