Tuesday, January 29, 2013

10 Foods to Eat Daily

EGGS - Eggs contain 72 calories, 6.3 grams of high-quality protein, and vitamins B12, A, and E.  Want to lose weight?  Replace carbs with eggs for breakfast and lose 65 percent more weight; as did the people in a study reported in the International Journal of Obesity.  For a time people were told to avoid eggs because of its cholesterol content, but it has been shown that eating eggs has little impact on your serum cholesterol level.  Eggs are good food...not to be avoided!

GREEN TEA - Boosts the metabolism, aiding in weight loss.  Green tea contains antioxidants which help prevent cancer.  They say it only takes 4 cups a day - I say that is do-able!

GARLIC - Antibacterial and antifungal, garlic is great for fighting off colds.  Garlic strengthens the cardiovascular and immune systems.  For best results, eat it raw, as cooking changes it's effectiveness.  I use 1 clove every 4 hours as a natural antibiotic...mince and add to a tsp. honey.

GRAPEFRUIT - Has long been known to help people lose weight.  Grapefruit decreases levels of insulin as sugar is metabolized more effectively.  It also contains a massive amount of the cancer-preventing antioxidant lycopene.

GREEK YOGURT - Contains more proteins, more calcium, and less sugar than most yogurts.  Plus it is a great source of the good live bacteria...beneficial to the intestines and immune system.  Try this instead of sour cream, use in dips, salad dressings, or with fruit for breakfast or a snack.  Yum!

AVOCADO - This moist,creamy, delicious food is one of my favorites.  Try it on a salad, sandwich, or as a salad dressing, or dip for vegies.  I like to cut it in half and just eat it with a spoon!  Avocado contains the good kind of fats; which the body needs for brain, heart, and artery health.  Eating good fats helps the body to release stored fat as well...so you can lose that belly fat.

QUINOA - Try something new!  Quinoa is a grain which cooks like rice, but has twice the protein.  It is a complete protein...containing a blend of all the amino acids...perfect for vegetarians!  It also has lots of fiber with a small portion of carbohydrates, making it a good choice for diabetics or those watching their weight.

BELL PEPPERS - Go for the brightly colored ones...they are full of antioxidants!  Also high in carotenoids and vitamin C, which improve immune function, cell communication, and defend against sun damage and cancer.

ALMONDS - High in fiber and protein, almonds make a great snack.  Also high in oleic acid, almonds improve brain and heart function.  We all need that!

SWISS CHARD - known as nature's multivitamin...contains 16 vital nutrients including:  vitamins A, E, and K.  These nutrients strenthen bones, improve brain function, and protect against cancer.  Our Grandmother's knew what they were doing when they added these cooked greens to the diet!

THE CHALLENGE - How many of these foods can you add to your diet today?

Information for this list was taken from the book, Eat This Not That by David Zinczenko.

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