Saturday, January 19, 2013

Understanding Your Gallbladder

The gallbladder is about four inches long, pear shaped, and located under the liver on the right side of the body.  The liver produces bile as a waste product to remove toxins from the body  The gallbladder stores the bile and uses it to aid the process of digestion. The body believes in recycling!    

The gallbladder holds about 1/4 pint of bile, which it releases into the duodenum to neutralize the acidic chyme (food) released from the stomach.  The other job of bile is to degrease fat...much like your dish soap does for washing dishes.  .  If the gallbladder is removed neither of these functions are possible.  Bile will continually drip into the duodenum, but never in sufficient quantities to neutralize the pH or break down fats as it needs to do. This acidic state in the duodenum leads to ulcers; and fats will simply run through the bowel causing diarrhea. 

The composition of bile includes: pigments- made from bilirubin which is the waste from red blood cells and is responsible for the color of urine and feces, bile salts - mostly sodium and highly alkaline, and cholesterol.  Since this is such a easily accessible source of minerals, the body will sometimes steal the minerals stored there for the lifesaving use of neutralizing an acidic body.  If the liquid minerals are stolen, the cholesterol and pigments may solidify to form gallstones.  Prevention of gallstones then, would include eating vegetables and using organic mineral supplements to build up the  minerals available to the body.

A good cleanse to rid the body of gallstones is described in the book, The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse, by Andreas Moritz.  It is important to follow a careful regimen for removal of gallstones, which should include using apple juice to help soften the stones.  Stones too large to pass, may be a problem causing pain and be sure to discuss this with your doctor.  However, many people have had success in removing gallstones from the body with natural methods.  Do your research first!  Definitely explore the possibility of ridding the body of stones before it gets to the point of needing the gallbladder removed, as this causes problems lasting a lifetime.  Prevention is the cure!

Lisa Purdy is not a physician and all information given is for educational purposes only and not to be considered diagnosis or prescription.  You are personally responsible for your own health choices and any information given is to assist you in making those choices.

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