Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lifesaving Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper may be lifesaving!  It stops bleeding, is a stimulant for the heart - preventing heart attack and shock, it equalizes blood pressure and circulation, and prevents hypothermia.  Cayenne increases thermogenesis aiding in weight loss.  Mistakenly thought to cause ulcers; in fact, hot compounds such as cayenne, garlic, and ginger actually have anti-ulcer activity.

Capsicum has many anti-cancer compounds.  It is high in Vitamins A,C, and E; and in antioxidants which are able to neutralize free radicals.  As a pain-killer, cayenne is used in many creams for arthritis and sore muscles.  Cayenne increases the effectiveness of other herbs, so it is often included in formulas. 

Columbus went looking for the black Indians and black pepper of India and found the red Indians and red pepper of America.  Cayenne changed the world's cuisine!  In 1913, it was even named the "National Spice of Ethiopia".  In Latin it is Capsicum frutescens.  In Greek it means, "to bite".  Add a little spice to your cooking and increase your circulation!

Samuel Thompson popularized its use medicinally in the early 1800's, along with his other favorite herb, lobelia.  Dr. John Christopher always carried cayenne and lobelia in his pocket because of their lifesaving qualities.  Do you suspect a heart attack?  Is there an accident or bleeding?  Call for help-911...and give a squirt of cayenne tincture while you wait!  Lobelia is great to help someone breathe;  it opens the bronchial tubes...but that is the subject for another article.

Cayenne pepper is an annual and is easily grown in a home garden.  The peppers look beautiful strung together and hung to dry.  Cayenne is best used as a tincture, because it gets into the system quickly. 

Lisa Purdy is not a physician and all recommendations are not to be considered diagnosis or prescription.  Any information given is for educational purposes only.  You are personally responsible for your own health choices.

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