Friday, February 8, 2013

The Wheat Belly Book

Looking for an interesting read?  Wheat Belly, by William Davis, MD is a fascinating book.  He discusses the difference in the wheat of today as compared to even 100 years ago.  The agriculture industry has hybridized the wheat to make it easier to harvest and quicker to grow, but it hasn't really considered the difference these changes make to our health.  Davis states there are 14 new gluten proteins in this wheat grain.  Is anybody making the connection between those gluten proteins and the increase in gluten intolerance?  Davis makes a good case for taking a second look at including wheat in your diet.

Davis describes an experiment on himself eating the old-fashioned einkorn wheat bread his blood sugar was 110mg/dl, and with the modern wheat it was 167mg/dl.  Quite a difference!  Plus, being sensitive to wheat, he experienced more negative side effects from the modern wheat.  Of course, this was his personal experience and not a clinical trial, but it does make a person think that someone should be doing a clinical trial!

Dr. Davis has had extensive experience with patients who have completely been cured of diseases by eliminating wheat from their diets.  He makes the wheat connection to obesity, intestinal problems, diabetes, pH levels, joints, heart disease, the brain, and aging - cataracts, wrinkles, and skin.  What if the staple of our causing all of these diseases?  Most of us eat wheat at every meal, 3 times a day! 

Personally, I decided to give it a try.  Would eliminating wheat for 1 month make a difference?  Yes, it did.  I lost 8 pounds.  I saw a definite decline in headaches and joint aches.  My blood sugar was more stable...not dropping low as before.  I did experience some withdrawal symptoms and cravings when I first went off the wheat.  And when I started eating wheat again, I felt headaches, joint aches, and low blood sugar all over again...and worse, I gained weight back immediately!  My conclusion:  I will consider wheat a "junk food", to be indulged in infrequently...because it has consequences that are negative to my health and feeling of well-being.  If you are inclined, read the book, try the experiment for yourself, and let me know how you feel.

Lisa Purdy is not a physician and all recommendations are not to be considered diagnosis or prescription.  Any information given is for educational purposes only.  You are personally responsible for your own health choices.

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